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These are the steps we need to get this new tramway operational on the Isle of Wight?

  1. Preliminary review of the route(s), benefits & costs, Isle of Wight Tramway. (IWT)
  2. Establish public support. (you)
  3. Establish Local Government support. (IWT/IoW Council)
  4. More detailed review of the route, the benefits and costs. (Vehicle Supplier and specialist consultancy)
  5. Add in principal to the local government Local Transport Plan. (IoW Council)
  6. Lobby for and establish the case for central government support and secure funding. (IWC/IWT)
  7. Probably will require a local public enquiry. (IWC)
  8. Apply for a Transport and Works Act. (IWC)
  9. Establish vehicle supplier & contractors. (Vehicle Supplier)
  10. Construct the route and purchase the vehicles. (Vehicle Supplier and Infrastructure provider)
  11. Begin operational timetable trials. (Operator/IWC)
  12. Commence public services. (Operator)

We can’t get beyond step 2 without your support.

But, with your support, and the support of our local Council, we could bring this new sustainable high quality passenger transport to towns and rural areas on the Isle of Wight.


Please visit the Your Comments page and tell us how you feel about the scheme and if there is anything that we have missed that is important to you.

impression of tram opposite newport bus station

Impression of a Translohr tram

opposite Newport bus station

Please visit the Why Translohr page as this will tell you how this special tram would enhance our Islands environment and empower the local business and tourist economies.